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Awareness remains highest among consumers that banks are required to provide easy-to-understand information on the cost of financial products and services they offer (81%, unchanged from 2019).
Initiative: Survey of Consumers' Awareness of their Financial Rights and Responsibilities
Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Seniors (68%) were more likely than non-seniors (62%) to agree that bank employees have the knowledge and skills to help them identify signs of financial abuse, fraud, or scams.
Initiative: Survey on Banking of Canadians
Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
89% of participants reported having improved skills using the Internet following a digital literacy training program.
Initiative: Digital Literacy Exchange Program
Adopter: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
In 2020, 75% of Canadians reported having conducted online banking.
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
For Canadians who used online shopping in 2020, the most common payment method was by credit card.
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
Among Canadians who did not shop online in 2022, 12% said that it was too difficult to order online.
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
In 2022, 71% of Canadians took action to protect their laptop or computer from security incidents, such as keeping their operation systems up to date and using additional cyber security software.
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
Canadians took steps to protect their personal data online in 2022, such as restricting or refusing access to their geographical location (61%).
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
In 2022, nearly 75% of Canadians reported enabling optional security features to verify their identity when accessing accounts or applications over the Internet, such as two-factor authentication or personalized security questions.
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
70% of Canadians reported encountering a cyber security incident in 2022. Among those, 6% experienced a financial loss following the incident, from which they did not recover.
Initiative: Canadian Internet Use Survey
Adopter: Statistics Canada
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada does not endorse, directly or indirectly, any adopters of the Measurement Plan, nor does it make any representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the adopters' products or services or their fitness for a particular purpose.
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