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Guided Outcomes (GO)™

Eckler partners with employers, pension plans and unions across Canada to deliver workplace financial wellness services to employees and their members. Eckler’s Guided Outcomes (GO)™ financial wellness curriculum is a modular, multi-channel educational program that addresses the full spectrum of financial wellness: from cashflow management to retirement readiness.

Adopter: Eckler


Website Survey 1

A website survey designed to assess consumers' understanding of web content.

Adopter: Anonymous organization


Website Survey 2

A website survey designed to assess consumers' understanding of web content.

Adopter: Anonymous organization


Website Survey 3

A website survey designed to assess consumers' understanding of web content.

Adopter: Anonymous organization



QUBER is a personal finance app that encourages saving and learning through gamification. They use savings challenges, lotteries, and matched savings programs to nudge people to save more. Working with employers and Financial Institutions, they are able to capture key demographic and vulnerability-related information (e.g., people without emergency funds or those living paycheque-to-paycheque), as well as Strategy-Aligned Measures on the success, and number, of users completing challenges. They track saving amounts, frequencies, retention, fees paid, and confidence levels.

Adopter: QUBER


Free independent ecosystem reports

The Financial Resilience Institute engages in regular data collection, analytics and publishing of free independent ecosystem reports on the financial resilience, financial health and financial well-being of Canadians and more financially vulnerable populations, plus Canadians’ financial inclusion and access-to-help challenges. This includes measurement and tracking of household financial resilience through the Institute’s peer reviewed Seymour Financial Resilience Index® and Financial Well-Being studies instruments.

Adopter: Financial Resilience Institute


Savings Circles

Savings Circles is an Individual Development Account (IDA) program that works with people in Calgary and surrounding area and Indigenous people within Treaty 7 Territory who are living on lower incomes and striving for more stability. For six months, participants commit to saving between $5 and $50 each month, engage in a minimum of two individual meetings with the facilitator, and attend seven money management workshops. Monthly during the program, a participant’s savings are matched 3:1. This allows them to save up to $1,200 to purchase a productive and meaningful asset that will make a difference in the quality of their life.

Adopter: Momentum


CPA Canada survey

CPA Canada conducts nationally representative surveys annually to examine people’s attitudes and feelings towards their personal finances. The surveys help monitor how Canadians are handling new financial realities, managing financial stressors, and engaging in personal financial planning.

Adopter: Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada


Survey of Consumers' Awareness of their Financial Rights and Responsibilities

The Survey of Consumers' Awareness of their Financial Rights and Responsibilities gathers evidence of certain financial rights and responsibilities, highlights potential gaps in consumers’ awareness of certain financial risks identified in the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's industry review of bank sales practices, and assesses results against the baseline established in 2019.

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Mystery Shopping at Domestic Retail Banks

The goal of the mystery shopping project is to better understand how frontline bank employees sell financial products and services and how consumers experience the sales process.

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada does not endorse, directly or indirectly, any adopters of the Measurement Plan, nor does it make any representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the adopters' products or services or their fitness for a particular purpose.

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