Priority 4 Enhance access to trustworthy and affordable financial help

The aim of this priority is to enhance access to trustworthy and affordable financial help services, particularly for vulnerable Canadians.


Target outcome 4.1

More Canadians have access to, and use, relevant and unbiased financial advice that is affordable.

Target outcome 4.2

More Canadians who access relevant and unbiased financial advice experience positive financial outcomes.

Target outcome 4.3

Fewer Canadians receive financial advice that is inappropriate for their circumstances and financial needs.


  • Lead by example in continuing to collect, analyze, and publish data about types, sources, and quality of financial advice and tools provided to Canadians.
  • Examine options to support increased access to affordable, competent, unbiased financial advice and help, which is tailored for diverse populations.
  • Advocate for access to better financial product and service options for lower-income and vulnerable Canadians.
Related findings

3% of Canadians were victims of a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.

Initiative: Canadian Financial Capability Survey

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


33% of participants in a financial literacy workshop reported having either no chequing, or no savings account (i.e. underbanked), whereas 8% reported having neither (i.e. unbanked). Most unbanked and underbanked participants are under 21 and are less likely to have an income.

Initiative: Money Matters

Adopter: ABC Life Literacy Canada


43% of Canadians considered their primary financial institution helpful to their financial wellness.

Initiative: Free independent ecosystem reports

Adopter: Financial Resilience Institute


8% of Canadians reported that they could not get the financial support or advice they needed.

Initiative: Free independent ecosystem reports

Adopter: Financial Resilience Institute


8% of participants in a financial literacy workshop reported having neither chequing, nor savings, account (i.e. unbanked). A quarter of those participants noted not knowing what financial products or services best suit their needs as a major reason.

Initiative: Money Matters

Adopter: ABC Life Literacy Canada


85% of those shopping for chequing accounts and 80% of those shopping for credit cards said the recommendations they received were appropriate.

Initiative: Mystery Shopping at Domestic Retail Banks

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


About half of Canadians do not own investments, citing not having enough money to invest as the top reason.

Initiative: Investor Survey

Adopter: Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization


After being enrolled in a debt reduction program for up to two years, the total amount of debt paid off is $1 million across 186 participants, or over $5,000 per person on average.

Initiative: Credit Canada GOLD

Adopter: Credit Canada


Among Canadians who have debt, 30% of them sought advice from financial professionals to help them manage debt.

Initiative: Monthly Financial Well-Being Monitor

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


In Ontario, distrust in banks was more common among consumers with high financial vulnerability (35%) compared to consumers with no financial vulnerability (17%).

Initiative: 2022 Consumer Research Study

Adopter: Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario


More than 10% of Canadians reported that they could not access trustworthy and unbiased financial advice.

Initiative: Free independent ecosystem reports

Adopter: Financial Resilience Institute


Of the Canadians who contacted their bank for pandemic-related financial assistance, 52% received it. However, 8% turned down the offer for various reasons, such as the cost, concern about damaging their credit score, and the effort involved.

Initiative: Survey of Canadians' Use of Banking Products and Services

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Participants in a financial coaching program improved their credit score by 4% on average after 3 months.

Initiative: Credit Canada GOLD

Adopter: Credit Canada


Participants of the FinLit U program reported keeping track of spending and income more frequently after the 8-week workshop.

Initiative: FinLit U

Adopter: Black Moms Connection


Participants of the FinLit U program reported more frequent saving after the 8-week workshop.

Initiative: FinLit U

Adopter: Black Moms Connection


Participants of the FinLit U program reported more frequently paying bills on time after the 8-week workshop.

Initiative: FinLit U

Adopter: Black Moms Connection


Participants of the FinLit U program reported more proactive debt reduction after the 8-week workshop.

Initiative: FinLit U

Adopter: Black Moms Connection


Participants of the FinLit U program reported seeking help with money more actively after the 8-week workshop.

Initiative: FinLit U

Adopter: Black Moms Connection


Participants of the FinLit U program reported staying within their means more often after the 8-week workshop.

Initiative: FinLit U

Adopter: Black Moms Connection

Related measures
Use the Opens in new tabMeasures Library to search for Strategy-Aligned Measures (SAMs) that help stakeholders in the financial ecosystem track progress toward achieving the National Strategy's target outcomes for more details.
Related initiatives

2022 Consumer Research Study

The Consumer Research study, that consisted of 4,000 adults from Ontario, provides an important opportunity for FSRA to better understand consumer attitudes (e.g., trust, satisfaction), engagement with regulated financial services (e.g., consumer knowledge, behaviours), and consumer characteristics, including vulnerability. The study will enable FSRA to, over time, monitor the impact of market changes, industry responses, and regulatory efforts on consumers, members, and beneficiaries.

Adopter: Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario


Canadian Financial Capability Survey

The Canadian Financial Capability Survey is designed to shed light on Canadians’ knowledge, abilities and behaviours as they relate to making financial decisions. A key objective is to assess how Canadians are doing on indicators of financial well-being and inform ongoing efforts aimed at strengthening their financial literacy.

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Credit Canada GOLD

Credit Canada GOLD is a financial coaching program that provides participants the personalized support they need to meet individual financial goals. The program consists of 6 weeks of classes followed by two years of continued support.

Adopter: Credit Canada


FinLit U

Black Moms Connection launched FinLit U in 2020. It is an 8-week financial literacy masterclass designed for Black mothers and is led by Black financial professionals. The program leaders consult with consumers and financial professionals from the Black community to ensure a highly tailored approach that aims to improve confidence and rates of inclusion in the financial system. They use qualitative and quantitative feedback to assess consumers’ access and use of financial products and services, as well as to get a sense of the kinds of negative experiences that Black consumers may face.

Adopter: Black Moms Connection


Free independent ecosystem reports

The Financial Resilience Institute engages in regular data collection, analytics and publishing of free independent ecosystem reports on the financial resilience, financial health and financial well-being of Canadians and more financially vulnerable populations, plus Canadians’ financial inclusion and access-to-help challenges. This includes measurement and tracking of household financial resilience through the Institute’s peer reviewed Seymour Financial Resilience Index® and Financial Well-Being studies instruments.

Adopter: Financial Resilience Institute


Guided Outcomes (GO)™

Eckler partners with employers, pension plans and unions across Canada to deliver workplace financial wellness services to employees and their members. Eckler’s Guided Outcomes (GO)™ financial wellness curriculum is a modular, multi-channel educational program that addresses the full spectrum of financial wellness: from cashflow management to retirement readiness.

Adopter: Eckler


Indicators for Financial Empowerment

Indicators for Financial Empowerment serve as a resource for ecosystem stakeholders to track progress in a systematic way.

Adopter: Prosper Canada


Investor Survey

The objective of the national investor survey is to help CIRO understand the attitudes, knowledge, beliefs and behaviours of Canadians, particularly Canadian investors.

Adopter: Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization


IRCC-funded Settlement Program

The IRCC-funded Settlement Program aims to provide newcomers to Canada with information to make informed decisions, adequate official language skills, and support to build networks within their new communities. The Performance Measurement Strategy for the Program allows for the ongoing measurement and reporting of the Program’s expected results (including through data, research and reports).

Adopter: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada


Managing Your Money in Canada Program

The Managing Your Money in Canada program helps newcomers navigate Canadian financial systems by integrating finance topics with language training, making them feel more prepared for life in Canada. With workshops available at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, the program offers tailored financial education to suit diverse learning needs and backgrounds.

Adopter: Canadian Foundation for Economic Education


Money and Youth Program

The Money and Youth program offers a widely popular financial literacy resource for students, empowering them to make informed financial decisions as they prepare for their futures. In addition to this resource, the program provides engaging finance workshops for students, as well as for the parents and teachers supporting their financial education journey.

Adopter: Canadian Foundation for Economic Education


Money Matters

A free introductory financial literacy program for adult learners. The program offers free resources, workshops, and online courses to help learners increase their confidence to better manage their finances.

Adopter: ABC Life Literacy Canada


Monthly Financial Well-Being Monitor

The Monthly Financial Well-Being Monitor (formerly known as the COVID-19 Financial Well-Being Survey) is a monthly survey designed to collect information about Canadians’ day-to-day financial management and financial well-being.

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Mystery Shopping at Domestic Retail Banks

The goal of the mystery shopping project is to better understand how frontline bank employees sell financial products and services and how consumers experience the sales process.

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Survey of Canadians' Use of Banking Products and Services

The Survey of Canadians’ Use of Banking Products and Services is designed to collect information during the pandemic about how Canadians are consuming financial products during the pandemic and to what extent they are accessing COVID-19-related financial assistance offered by the banks.

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Your Money Students

Free, non commercial financial literacy education seminars designed to help Canadians gain an understanding of responsible financial management and achieve financial well-being. The seminars are presented by volunteer bankers in communities across Canada in English and French and are available both virtually and in-person.

Adopter: Canadian Bankers Association

Related adopters

ABC Life Literacy Canada

ABC Life Literacy Canada is a national charitable organization that champions literacy by empowering adult learners, raising awareness, and supporting the adult learning sector.


Black Moms Connection

Black Moms Connection is a global online village and leading national non-profit providing financial support grants and culturally relevant resources to empower and educate the Black woman.


Canadian Bankers Association

Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) is the voice of more than 60 domestic and foreign banks that help drive Canada's economic growth and prosperity. The CBA advocates for public policies that contribute to a sound, thriving banking system to ensure Canadians can succeed in their financial goals.


Canadian Foundation for Economic Education

The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) is dedicated to empowering Canadians with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions. Through its programs and resources, CFEE supports individuals and communities in improving their financial literacy, leading to greater financial well-being and opportunities. By providing tools that foster a deeper understanding of money management, CFEE helps Canadians build a more secure and prosperous financial future.


Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization

The Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) is the pan-Canadian self-regulatory organization that oversees all investment dealers, mutual fund dealers, and trading activity on Canada’s debt and equity marketplaces. The Office of the Investor has a mandate to support policy development, educate investors, engage in investor outreach, perform investor research, and support the Investor Advisory Panel (IAP).


Credit Canada

Credit Canada is Canada’s first and longest-standing non-profit credit counselling agency. For more than 50 years, Credit Canada has been helping Canadians become debt-free and achieve financial wellness through financial coaching, education, and debt resolution.



Eckler was established in 1927 and is Canada's largest independent actuarial and consulting firm. Eckler provides their services in many different areas including pension, retirement, financial wellness, investment, group benefits, compensation and more. Eckler does not sell financial products. They provide unbiased financial wellness expertise and insights.


Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is an independent federal government agency responsible for protecting the rights and interests of consumers of financial products and services. It supervises federally regulated financial entities, such as banks, and strengthens the financial literacy of Canadians.


Financial Resilience Institute

Financial Resilience Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the financial resilience and well-being of Canadians and global citizens. We partner with policymakers, financial institutions and business leaders to develop and implement solutions that improve financial resilience, health and well-being for all, including those who are more financially vulnerable.


Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) is an independent agency created to improve consumer and pension plan beneficiary protections in Ontario. FSRA regulates a number of financial services sectors in Ontario including insurance, credit unions, mortgage brokers and pension plan administrators.


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) builds a stronger Canada through immigration programs, citizenship services, refugee protection, and issuing Canadian travel documents. Immigration has been crucial in shaping Canada into the diverse and prosperous nation it is today and, looking forward, stands to be equally fundamental to Canada’s future social cohesion and economic prosperity. To this end, IRCC facilitates the entry of temporary residents, manages the selection, settlement and integration of newcomers, grants citizenship and issues passports to eligible citizens.


Prosper Canada

Prosper Canada is a national charity dedicated to expanding economic opportunity for Canadians living in poverty through program and policy innovation.

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