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OBSI programs

Share insights, experience and statistical information with regulators, government, industry and consumer groups to help inform public policy decisions.

Adopter: Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments


Fintech Cadence programs

Fintech Cadence supports the financial literacy ecosystem—and, in turn, promotes increased digital access and digital literacy—by helping to build and sustain the Fintech community. They promote the education of Fintech talent, support early-stage start-ups, and develop collaborations with financial institutions to help solve industry challenges. They track the FinTechs in Canada, their areas of specialty, what kinds of products and services they provide, as well as details about their target audiences.

Adopter: Fintech Cadence


Digital Literacy Exchange Program

The Digital Literacy Exchange Program supports initiatives that teach fundamental digital literacy skills and promotes inclusion for Canadians from underrepresented groups who lack the fundamental digital literacy skills to participate in the digital economy and society. The program tracks many Strategy-Aligned Measures, including the percentage of program participants from underrepresented groups in the digital economy, and the percentage of program users that have increased their confidence, as well as those who report having improved their skills in using the Internet.

Adopter: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada


Canadian Internet Use Survey

The 2022 Canadian Internet Use Survey gathers data on how digital technologies and the Internet are transforming society, the economy, and the everyday lives of Canadians.

Adopter: Statistics Canada


Money Matters

A free introductory financial literacy program for adult learners. The program offers free resources, workshops, and online courses to help learners increase their confidence to better manage their finances.

Adopter: ABC Life Literacy Canada


Your Money Students

Free, non commercial financial literacy education seminars designed to help Canadians gain an understanding of responsible financial management and achieve financial well-being. The seminars are presented by volunteer bankers in communities across Canada in English and French and are available both virtually and in-person.

Adopter: Canadian Bankers Association


Your Money Seniors

Free, non commercial financial literacy education seminars designed to help Canadians gain an understanding of responsible financial management and achieve financial well-being. The seminars are presented by volunteer bankers in communities across Canada in English and French and are available both virtually and in-person.

Adopter: Canadian Bankers Association


Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman

Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR) is an academic centre at the University of Toronto that conducts leading edge academic research in the field of behavioural economics to help organizations better understand how real people act and in turn, design better products, services, and programs for them.


West Neighbourhood House

West Neighbourhood House (West NH), formerly St. Christopher House, has been a multi-service neighbourhood centre serving all age groups in downtown west Toronto since 1912. The mission of West NH is to enable less advantaged individuals, families and groups in the community to gain greater control over their lives and within their community.



Seedwell is a Toronto-based fintech firm with a mission to improve the financial wellbeing of Canadians. Seedwell is a full spectrum solution for employee personal finance and financial literacy.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada does not endorse, directly or indirectly, any adopters of the Measurement Plan, nor does it make any representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the adopters' products or services or their fitness for a particular purpose.

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