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3% of Canadians were victims of a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.

Initiative: Canadian Financial Capability Survey

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


About 40% of Canadians understand when it is financially beneficial to borrow money.

Initiative: Canadian Financial Capability Survey

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


About 40% of Canadians compared credit cards from different companies before applying.

Initiative: Canadian Financial Capability Survey

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


About 75% of Canadians understand what lowers house mortgage costs.

Initiative: Canadian Financial Capability Survey

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


About 70% of Canadians say they are financially preparing for retirement.

Initiative: Canadian Financial Capability Survey

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Fewer than 10% of Canadians reported using a Buy-Now-Pay-Later service during 2021. Most of them understood the amount of each scheduled payment.

Initiative: Pilot Study: Buy Now, Pay Later Services in Canada

Adopter: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada


Financial Literacy Evaluation Toolkit

Financial Literacy Evaluation Resource Kit includes Strategy-Aligned Measures that gather information about the frequency and kinds of financial help opportunities that consumers engage in.

Adopter: Prosper Canada


Bitcoin Omnibus Survey

The Bitcoin Omnibus Survey monitors trends in Canadians’ awareness, ownership and use of Bitcoin and other crypto assets. The survey also measures Canadians’ financial and crypto literacy, and their use of cash.

Adopter: Bank of Canada


Survey on Savings for Persons with Disabilities

The Survey on Savings for Persons with Disabilities gathers information about the knowledge and behaviours of Canadians with disabilities and their caregivers with regard to savings.

Adopter: Statistics Canada


Mortgage Consumer Survey

Surveying over 4,000 Canadians, this tool has helped understand consumers’ thoughts, attitudes and behaviours regarding homeownership and the process of obtaining a mortgage.

Adopter: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada does not endorse, directly or indirectly, any adopters of the Measurement Plan, nor does it make any representations or warranties, express or implied, concerning the adopters' products or services or their fitness for a particular purpose.

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